nothing works here without milk
nothing works here without milk

Cappucino at Friedrich - made by hand with love

The cappuccino has many fans - in Italy as well as in other countries. The cappuccino is also very popular in our bar. Preparing a cappuccino that takes you back to your last holiday in Italy is not rocket science. It's really easy with fully automatic coffee machines - ugh - or - ugh - instant. By this we don't mean a cappuccino.

Rather, you need the right ingredients for an original and it takes skill and practice and, last but not least, a little time to prepare. For the time being, it doesn't work without

firstly, a decent espresso machine (steam, pressure, steam), we have the legendary Vibiemme Revolution portafilter machine from 2016. If you unscrew it, you basically only see a brass boiler and brass pipes and it looks like grandpa's old steam engine from Märklin inside.

Secondly, no milk without a cow and no cappuccino without milk. Not all milk foams equally well. With oat milk, which we also offer, a limit is reached when it comes to foaming. But no cow in the world can help that.

Thirdly, you need espresso beans that make a good espresso. Finding the right bean is a science in itself.

Fourthly, the hands preparing the food must know what they are doing. Because cup by cup, the following has to be done until the guest can enjoy and savour:

1st. the beans are freshly milled, around seven, eight or nine grams go straight into the portafilter.

2nd. a metal jug is filled with cold milk and the tip of the steam nozzle is dipped into the milk. The steam pushes out at around 10 bar at 95 degrees. As soon as the first milk foam forms and the volume increases, the jug is lowered a little so that the nozzle remains below the surface of the milk. This creates a whirling effect in the milk and the milk foams beautifully and creamy.

3rd. now the machine goes into action, the espresso flows into the thick-walled, preheated cup.

4th. Pour the foamed milk slowly from the centre of the cup.

The setting can now be served, then you can move on to the next cup. Our experienced service staff can prepare up to three cappuccinos at the same time. But then one really has to be careful and it is advisable not to talk in between.

Sold out

Exhibition ended on 21.12.2024

In our 1st exhibition Max Klinger Originals, 4 original etchings by Max Klinger from the 15 etchings cycle ‘Cupid and Psyche’ were presented. We would like to thank the interested public and the expert guests who attended the opening of the exhibition on 6 December 2024: Everything sold, exhibition closed.

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