Vacuum for Winebottles
Vacuum for Winebottles

A tip from the winemaker

Basically, we serve all our wines open; the one or other bottle then stands around for a while with the cork pushed back in or screwed shut again. There's fresh air in the bottle. That's not good.

You can preserve the wine for longer by keeping it "vacuum-packed". We follow the advice of a winegrower (many thanks, Tino!) who also protects his open wines in this way when serving them. A vacuum pump removes the air from the opened bottle and seals it again, preserving the wine under vacuum and improving its storage life. The vacuum created slows down the oxidation process and the open wine can be stored for a longer period of time.

After the air has been removed from the opened wine bottle with the vacuum pump, it is sealed at the same time with a reusable rubber wine bottle stopper - airtight.

The pump and caps are affordable and should also find a place in private households.


Sold out

Exhibition ended on 21.12.2024

In our 1st exhibition Max Klinger Originals, 4 original etchings by Max Klinger from the 15 etchings cycle ‘Cupid and Psyche’ were presented. We would like to thank the interested public and the expert guests who attended the opening of the exhibition on 6 December 2024: Everything sold, exhibition closed.

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Friedrich Gastro & Event


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