2022 Traminer Muschelkalk Grober Feetz
2022 Traminer Muschelkalk Grober Feetz

2022 Traminer Muschelkalk Winery Grober Feetz

This off-dry white wine is produced entirely by hand by the family winery Stephanie Grober and Tino Feetz, from the vineyard to their own cellar, bottled and labelled, a labour-intensive process. A pleasure in every respect.

Weingut Grober Feetz
Traminer Muschelkalk
Weingut Grober Feetz, Freyburg
Jahrgang: 2022
Alcohol: 12,5 %
Acidity: 4,9 g/l
Residual sugar: 7,9 g/l


Let the ‘passionate vintners’ themselves have their say:

"With respect and love for nature and the history of the region, we only cultivate traditional terraced vineyards. Due to dry stone walls and the lack of farm roads, these can only be worked by hand, and it is precisely this manual labour that is reflected in our grapes, which are selectively harvested by hand depending on ripeness. In the vineyard, we rely on natural planting to ensure a diversity of flora and fauna. The greening also creates a certain amount of competition with the vines and forces them to penetrate deeper layers of soil. There the roots find a higher supply of minerals, which give the wines structure."

Sold out

Exhibition ended on 21.12.2024

In our 1st exhibition Max Klinger Originals, 4 original etchings by Max Klinger from the 15 etchings cycle ‘Cupid and Psyche’ were presented. We would like to thank the interested public and the expert guests who attended the opening of the exhibition on 6 December 2024: Everything sold, exhibition closed.

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Friedrich Gastro & Event


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